Vestibulum at vulputate ligula. Sed nulla odio, mattis id ipsum vulputate


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Our comprehensive evaluation gathers an overall picture of your experience and is critical to crafting an individualized treatment plan.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras in finibus turpis. Duis tristique, purus sit amet pretium rutrum, odio tellus imperdiet ligula, ut consectetur tortor turpis rutrum dolor. Curabitur porttitor tincidunt malesuada. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris pellentesque, ex id egestas lobortis, diam mauris dignissim nibh, eu ultricies lectus nunc et arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis commodo ultrices odio in luctus. Donec ullamcorper feugiat gravida. Donec at maximus quam. Sed tellus justo, dignissim at neque nec, porta finibus tortor.

Vivamus viverra elit et risus cursus, quis venenatis purus venenatis. Cras pellentesque nulla non dui laoreet, sed vestibulum ipsum tempor. Vivamus at molestie tellus. Etiam eget auctor libero. Quisque vehicula, diam quis pellentesque lacinia, mi magna euismod eros, ac convallis tellus mi id nisi. Cras ac laoreet ex. Suspendisse luctus aliquam posuere. Quisque tincidunt vulputate quam in vestibulum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin nec tristique ipsum. Duis facilisis ante nec congue rhoncus. Integer velit libero, vulputate non justo sed, molestie pharetra eros. Curabitur scelerisque nibh risus, et mattis sapien mattis nec.

August 1, 2018


In their own words:

Provided two weeks of IOP treatment

Ridgeview saved my marriage and my life. I spent four weeks there in IOP and PHP. After two weeks my insurance would not cover any more time there. Thanks to the Ridgeview Alumni Charitable Corporation that awarded me a scholarship I was able to complete the program. I am beyond grateful…


Provided two weeks of IOP treatment and housing

I want to thank the funding that was available to me. I needed more time, I was not ready to go yet… If it wasn’t for the funding I don’t know where I would be.


Provided housing while in treatment due to long commute

Staying close and connected allowed me to focus on me and my sobriety. Without the help, I don’t believe I would have been able to discover all that I did about myself, which has aided my recovery.




Change is going to happen, why not make it a positive one?